
FAQs on dental insurance

Here are answers to some commonly asked question about dental insurance coverage.

What is dental insurance?
Dental insurance is a type of medical insurance that specifically addresses the coverage for some portions of expenses incurred for an insured’s dental needs. There are a number of individual, family, and group dental insurance plans available in the country.

Why should I have a dental insurance policy?
Merely brushing and flossing your teeth twice a day may not be adequate to ensure your dental health. At times, a dentist’s intervention is required, be it in the form of fitting braces or implants or pulling out an infected tooth. Given the specialization that is currently seen in dentistry, most of these dentistry services will require considerable expenditure. When there are serious dental issues involved, the costs can even become prohibitive.

Dental insurance gives you a way of covering at least a significant portion of your routine and specific dental care visits.

What types of dental plans are available?
There are currently three kinds of dental insurance policies available in the country: